Monday, November 3, 2008


I would like to summarize the month of October in one word but there is not a word that means horrible, joyful, and predictable all in one!
It is the end of football for the Munk family (that is not supposed to be joyful), but I have to admit I look forward to having time to cook and clean after school and on Saturday. Hayden summed it all up for us when he cried on the way home from Hunter's football game. The jersey's, cleats, mouth guards, gloves, and pads have been put away until next July and I think that was the favorite part of my weekend!
Halloween was as predictable as ever, Hayden lasted 20 minutes and then was done with the nonsense of Trick-or-Treating. Hunter was not able to find a chicken costume and therefore boycotted the holiday. Harley spent the weekend with our crazy friends in Odgen. Dave was at a BHS football game and I quietly sat back and observed it all, then put everyone to bed and wished Halloween would not come back next year.
I have big hopes for November, there are no sporting events and Hayden's swimming will be over in 2 days. I hope to have all my Christmas shopping done, house clean and organized, kids homework done, clothes washed and folded, and my book read for the month! With all my free time I feel this is a goal I can easily accomplish...only time can tell.
When it is all said and done, we survived the month and are stronger for it! But in parting I want to say: Goodbye October and good riddance!


Marf said...

Oh, Halloween - how we love thee. The way you overstimulate our children, sickening them with candy. Keith went out for about 20 minutes as well and then said, "mom, this is not fun." And thus ended Halloween. Here is to a better November!

Jess said...

will you please take my last name off your link list? I don't mind you linking to my blog, but I would rather not have my last name on there. thanks a bunch! love ya

Gandalf said...

I am sad that the gore of the season is over. But I am comforted a little in the fact that I am about to type the word "gluntsa" for security reasons. Let's all start using this word--I think it shall be lovely!! Here's to a GLUNTSA November!!