Monday, March 19, 2012

Magnify Your Calling

In Jacob, he takes his calling as Priesthood Leader very seriously and I focused my lesson on that subject. I took the "I Do, We Do, You Do" approach this lesson and it worked out perfectly.
I really wanted the members to evaluate their lives and see where they could magnify their callings.  So I started with Binoculars and a Magnifying glass.  I prepared papers for a volunteer to read with out the use of the tools, the small squares they just held in their hand, but the bigger rectangles were taped on the wall across the room. When the volunteers couldn't read what was written on then I gave them the tools to read what was on the papers.

Then we went into what they can do to magnify their callings. I started with "I Do"
Then we did the "We Do" and together as a class we filled out the form for Visiting and Home Teaching. 
Then it was the "You Do" part and I gave them their hand out and gave them 10  minutes to work on the paper.
After we talked about the blessings we will get when we magnify our callings. I testified that if we give back to the Lord by magnifying what he has asked us to do we will be blessed, and by blessed I do not mean "trial free", but we will have the power and the ability to battle through our trials and come out better people.

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